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From Shaker Pedia

Revision as of 20:01, 15 August 2023 by Richr (talk | contribs) (News and Upcoming Events)

News and Upcoming Events

All upcoming Shaker and Shaker museum activities now listed at ShakerDigital

if you have issues on Shakerpedia or Memoirs, be sure to report to webmaster: Email webmaster

Other news

  • Now is a good time to help the Maine Shakers - they have a great set of efforts to revitalize the Shaker Community for the future:

Latest changes at Shakerpedia

Old News


Who Were They

The Shakers, a Protestant religious sect officially called "The United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing", originated in Manchester, England in 1747 ...

 Museums and other collections
Biographies Database
All searches on Shakerpedia

Who Are They

Today (Apr 2018) there are 2 Shaker's: Sister's Francis June, Brother Arnold. The last Shaker who was raised within an active Shaker community was Sister Francis who passed Jan, 2017 ...

Shaker Crafts

Hands to Work, Hearts to God ...

Shaker Music

There are pieces of Shaker music that is well known today, such as Simple Gifts. There are many more used in churches and 100's more only known to Shaker Scholars


Shaker Cooking

Shaker cooking is a wonderful mix of fresh food, farm cooking and recipes for large groups.

Shakers online

Shakerpedia is a place where those interested in the Shakers can find and share information about the various aspects of Shaker life, we will be adding information from our collections and pointing to other Shaker resources. We will also be inviting various Shaker scholars and enthusiasts to expand the content.

Be sure to check back as Shakerpedia grows. {Want to help ?}


Shaker Studies

There are a number of scholar and groups who specialize in exploring the history and experience of the Shakers. These scholars have used various sources, including Shaker journals, and collaborating with other scholars, to spread deep understanding of the lives the Shaker's lived.


Where were they ?

Village pages on Shakerpedia Village time line

* - means page on a different web site, opens in new page

Detailed Map