BASSG history

From Shaker Pedia

There are 2 sets of information, the first 44 meetings and the remainer, until 2001

Meetings 1 to 44 (1983-1988) Handwritten - Someone needs to type this in

Meetings 45 to 113 (1989-2001)

Please email to Rich word documents of the format:
Who and What can be more then 1 line.

Meeting ####
Date: Day-of-week, Month(word), Day-of-month, Year(4 digit)
Where: Location
Who: Who attended
What: Description
2 Blank lines

For example:
Meeting 56
Date: Saturday, December 8th, 1990
Where: Cornish, New Hampshire
Who: S. Paterwic. K. Moriarty, M. Stier, Alfreda Hovey Beck, D. Eastman, 
H. Friot, Vi and W. Hess, Harry and Helen Auger, J. Lowery, N. Joslin, 
Roger and Gail Hall and R. Wallace. 
What: Meet at noon at Dan Eastman's and had dinner at one. Meal and business meeting
followed by a Yankee Christmas Swap. $497.76 in treasury.