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Annual Shaker Seminar -- Hancock

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Lectures for 2000

"The Marvellous Outpouring: " Mother Ann's Work at Tyringham Deborah Bums
as yet imperfectly understood: Nineteenth Century Visions and Visitations Sharon Duane Koomler
Capturing the Shaker spirit on stage: a journey to Off-Broadway Arlene Hutton
Do You Recognize These Faces?: Hancock Shakers in the Twentieth Century Todd Burdick
Forms of Revelation: Monastic Precedents and Transparency in Shaker Architecture Marie Costello
Millenarianism, Medievalism and Monasticism: The Shakers an Ephrata Community Dr. James Gallant
Miranda Barber's Approach to Holy Mother's Wisdom Jane Crosthwaite
Mr. Williams and The Shaker Museum: The First Fifty Years Jeny V. Grant
No Sex, No Drugs, No Rock n Roll: What Else Can We Say About Shaker Celibacy? Dawn Bakken
Opening the Gospel: Another Perspective Sister Karlyn Cauley
Shaker Dreams and Visions after 1860:Mother's Work Continues-A Response to Changing Times Steve Paterwic
The Abode of the Message: The Journey from Utopia to Community Gus Nelson
Victorian Views: Stereographic Images of the Mount Lebanon Shaker Community, 1868-1898 Judith Livingston
Welcome and A Look to the Future at Hancock Shaker Village Lawrence J. Yerdon
William Winters at the New York State Museum Betty and Craig Shaver and Williams