Shaker Studies

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Revision as of 20:00, 28 March 2019 by Richr (talk | contribs) (Study groups)

Study groups

    • Hamilton College Shaker Studies Mailing list (request information from webmaster at

Shaker Collections

Books and others

Databases for Shaker Theses/Dissertations and Shaker Exhibits

Jerry Brewington <> collected these two databases:
List of Shaker Dissertations (updated Jan 23, 2019)
List of Shaker Exhibits (updated Jan 23, 2019)

The exhibits database column that says 'Cat.' is to indicate whether there was a published catalogue or not. If there is an asterisk beside it, that means I have it. If there is a 'yes' with no asterisk and you have a catalogue that you are willing to donate or sell, please let me know. I hope the links in the Theses database work. They did for me.

Thanks to those who also agreed to share their information with me, whether it be a catalogue or a photo (thanks again to Rich Spence for digging up the Watervliet, Ohio meeting house photo - what a find!)

Recent Articles about the Shakers

Modern Books by Friends of Shakers

Older books, current era