Book:Glendyne Wergland

From Shaker Pedia

Dr. Glendyne R. Wergland, Ph.D.

She has published four books on the history of the Shakers in the nineteenth century.

  • Her most recent book is Sisters in the Faith: Shaker Women and Equality of the Sexes (University of Massachusetts Press, 2011), in which she examines the unique experience of Shaker women including: why they joined the Shaker movement, how they were viewed by their outside community, and their relationships with Shaker brothers and elders, among other themes. Dr. Wergland will focus on the history of Shaker women and gender relations in antebellum America
  • One Shaker Life: Isaac Newton Youngs, 1793–1865 (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2006)
  • Visiting the Shakers, 1778–1849; Visiting the Shakers, 1850–1899 (Clinton, N.Y.: Richard W. Couper Press, 2010)

Online References